Tuesday, April 26, 2011


As part of our six week grade (Besides the ton of research paper/ and blogging) we have to create a cartoon about a book we have read in our spare time.... I personally have read a ton of books... But none have been good enough to create cartoons.  It is a little nerve raking but I will find a book soon.  But anyways this cartooning website is suuuuper annoying because, if your story has more than one character, the website only provides one free one... the rest YOU have to pay for.  Like I said annoying, but I will find someway to make it better.  Maybe by using google.  Ohwell.  I can't wait to see other students work on their books.  Maybe their summaries will be cool.  Maybe some will be lame. I do not like the website we are supposed to use, so I might find a different one.