Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog #5 NINJAS♪

You have your spies, that use weapons.  They are either good or evil.  They either work for the man or for himself.  Either way, if you are going to be a spy.... Be a NINJA! THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
COOOOOOOL!  They use their bodies and minds.  If they want to kick your but they can.  They are ones with nature itself.  They use all types of awesome weapons such as shuriken and smoke bombs.  They can do cool tricks and dress in black to blend in the night.  Ninjas can be viewed in sooo many different ways.  They can be small and sweet.  Ugly and evil, oooor strong and evil/ good.  I would love to be  a ninja.  It sounds like alot of fun and exercise.  I guess I am just rambling.  I think we should have more point of veiw blogs.  On like how ninjas are cool or what we are think about.  Ninjas are also in tons of movies.  They also kick alot of butt.  I love ninjas.  That is why my slam poem was about them.  It described them and what you have to do to be a ninja.