Friday, February 25, 2011


I wasn't here on the day that we had to do this so I hope this counts.

Eygpt is a  very effy topic.  The fact that a leaders people are wanting to turn on him tells alot about this leader.  Gadafi (the leader of Eygpt)  has been in power for 42 years.  In my opinion.  Thats 42 too many.  Gadafi denys anything bad that is thrown at him.  He denyed fleeing libia when a big problem was going on.  He also denied about bombing and killing any protesters that did not like that he had been in power for too long and wanted him out.  I do not blame his people for wanting freedom and I do not think of Gadafi as a great leader either.  I think that he should be out of power... Any kind of power, that has to deal with libia economical or ect.  He seems to have a bad aura around him and kills innocent people for stating their opinion. What makes me mad?  The fact that he denies killing protesters, when he is practically the only person in Libia with total controll.